Here’s How
We at Silent Power have an eco-friendly solution to your problem. Our water tank cooler runs solely on solar power. It reduces the water temperature from 62 degrees to 28 degrees without releasing any harmful gases in the air or paying any extra electricity bills.
Our Mission is to solve this issue with clean, sustainable, free of charge energy and to help protect our environment, guaranteeing a better quality of life for us and the future of our children.
One of the main issues that we face in our region is the extremely hot water in our water tanks during the summer season.
To solve this problem people have installed A/Cs in their water tanks that reduces water temperature. This might be an ideal or the only solution that we could come up with. The solution is not only costly but is also harmful to our environment.
We at Silent Power have an eco-friendly solution to your problem. Our water tank cooler runs solely on solar power. It reduces the water temperature while also protecting the environment. The monthly electricity saved means that it is also a cheaper solution to our problem.
Cool Your Water
Reduces the water temperature from 63 degrees to 28 degrees without releasing any harmful gases in the air or paying any extra electricity bills.

Refreshing Bath in Summers
Cooling solution to the water tank during the hottest of summer times using solar power only and without the need for electricity or batteries.
Update your Water System
Help your planet, by using renewable energy sources

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Location is everything
Just feel like visiting our uber cool offices & have a chat about your next project or just see what we’re currently working on.